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Why Enterprise SDK?

As engineering teams weigh their most important metrics for success we often see that the features and capabilities the app provides as well as the time it took to deliver those to the market are at the top.

The natural progression is to consider what technologies are capable of delivering the needed features and to do it quickly. Even more crucial is supporting their user base where they are, which can mean various device landscapes and operating systems.

That’s where Enterprise SDK thrives. Built on a foundation of web technologies and bundle into a native runtime when it’s needed, Enterprise SDK allows developers to meet their users wherever they want to be. If they work best at a desk in the browser, great. If they work well on the go via apps, no problem.

This sense of freedom enables developers to go from concept to reality in less time. But, how is it done?

The secret sauce

By allowing web developers use the tools they already know, Enterprise SDK cuts down on time. There is no learning curve. Piling on, Enterprise SDK comes out-of-the-box with a mobile UI toolkit so teams don’t need to be an expert is design systems.

Through the SDKs native runtime, teams can take their singular codebase, tap into native device features when they’re needed, and deliver independent apps to the respective app stores. Now, with the same project files, there is feature parity across web and native app users.

Better yet, Enterprise SDK tackles to tallest engineering tasks for you. Plug-and-play solutions are available to handle the complexities of single-sign on integration, authorization measures with biometrics, and the sensitivity required to securely store users tokens and data.

The kicker, there’s help available if you need it. If development teams get stuck, Enterprise SDK offers industry leading support to assist your team in getting to the finish line. Not only can support staff accelerate development and delivery, but they can help you build better experiences along the way.