Package-level declarations


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class AssetMap(val name: String, val virtualPath: String, val path: String)

A class representing a collection of assets to be used by one or more Portals.

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This class is used to load the server URL and Capacitor configuration from the assets folder when the app is being run in developer mode with the Portals CLI.

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class Portal(val name: String)

A class representing a Portal that contains information about the web content to load and any associated plugins used by the Portal. It is discouraged to use this class directly to create a Portal and instead use PortalBuilder or PortalManager to construct a new instance.

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class PortalBuilder(val name: String)

A class used to create Portal instances. It follows a Builder Pattern and can be used in situations where you want to programmatically create a Portal at runtime instead of using one directly in an XML layout.

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An Android Fragment class containing an instance of a Portal to load in a web view supported by Capacitor.

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A class used to create and manage Portal instances. It follows a Singleton Pattern to allow access to any ./portal from anywhere in the application.

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annotation class PortalMethod(val topic: String = "")

An Annotation class used to create message receiver functions with the PortalsPlugin. A function annotated with this class can be triggered by using the Portals.sendMessage() with the message parameter on the web code matching the function name in the native code.

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class PortalsPlugin(pubSub: PortalsPubSub = PortalsPubSub.shared) : Plugin

A special Capacitor Plugin within the Portals library that allows for bi-directional communication between Android and web code. It is loaded with every Portal automatically and does not need to be added like other plugins if the default behavior is desired.

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class PortalsRouteProcessor(val context: Context, val assetMaps: <Error class: unknown class><String, AssetMap>) : RouteProcessor

A class used by PortalFragment to provide instructions to the Capacitor router to load shared assets.

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A class that provides the ability to integrate Portals into XML Layout or Jetpack Compose files. PortalView extends FrameLayout and contains a PortalFragment to display the Portal content inside the view. Use this class like any other View class.

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Portal View Model

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data class SubscriptionResult(val topic: String, val data: Any?, val subscriptionRef: Int)

A class used for messages passed to subscriptions.

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class WebVitals(val callback: (String, WebVitals.Metric, Long) -> Unit) : Plugin

A class providing Web Vitals functionality. When Web Vitals metrics are desired, this class adds JavaScript to the Portals web view to support measuring the performance of the web application.


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An extension function to convert a JSONObject to a map.