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Using Appflow in Jenkins, GitLab CI, & GitHub Actions


Following previous deprecation announcements, Appflow functionality has been removed from the Ionic CLI. Please learn more about the new Appflow CLI for further details on usage and migration. The following details have been updated for use with the Appflow CLI.

For those who already use a CI/CD system like Azure DevOps, Jenkins, GitLab CI, & GitHub Actions, you can easily integrate with Appflow to perform both live updates as well as native binary builds. Triggering native builds in particular can save you the headache of having to appropriately configure the OS, Xcode version, credentials, etc. Simply specify the configurations you'd like to use & let Appflow do the heavy lifting.

Azure DevOps

Please refer to these detailed instructions.

GitHub Actions

Please refer to these detailed instructions.


Please refer to these detailed instructions.

GitLab CI

Please refer to these detailed instructions.