Upgrading Auth Connect
Upgrading from a version before 6.0? Make sure you go through the upgrading to version 6 guide before continuing with this one.
Breaking Changes
Auth Connect 7.0 updates the minimum target SDK versions to align with Capacitor 7:
- Android: Target SDK 35
- iOS: Target iOS 14+
Important Note About Android
Auth Connect 7.0.0 has a known issue with JDK 21. Please use version 7.0.1 or later which includes the necessary Kotlin version updates for JDK 21 compatibility.
Upgrade Steps
Install the latest version
_10npm install @ionic-enterprise/auth@latest
In previous versions of Auth Connect, it required changes to the AndroidManifest.xml
file or your app's build.gradle
file in your Android project. This has been removed in Auth Connect 6 in favor of adding the required variables to your variables.gradle
Remove the following code from your AndroidManifest.xml
_11<intent-filter>_11 <data android:scheme="$AUTH_URL_SCHEME"/>_11 <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>_11 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>_11 <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>_11</intent-filter>_11<intent-filter>_11 <action android:name="android.intent.action.SEND"/>_11 <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>_11 <data android:mimeType="text/*"/>_11</intent-filter>
Remove the following code from your build.gradle
_10manifestPlaceholders = [_10 'AUTH_URL_SCHEME': 'mycustomscheme' /// REMOVE SCHEME_10]
Add the following variable to your variables.gradle
_10ext {_10 ..._10 AUTH_URL_SCHEME = 'mycustomscheme' /// CHANGE THIS TO YOUR CUSTOM AUTH SCHEME_10}
_10ionic cordova plugin remove @ionic-enterprise/auth_10ionic cordova plugin add @capacitor/plugin-cordova-compat_10ionic cordova plugin add @ionic-enterprise/auth --variable AUTH_URL_SCHEME='mycustomscheme'
If you are currently building using Cordova, we recommend that you upgrade to Capacitor. Our Visual Studio Code extension makes the process simple!
Need Help Upgrading?
If you need help upgrading your application to the new version of Auth Connect, please reach out to Ionic Enterprise Support with any questions you may have.