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February 20, 2024

What's Changed

  • Fix: Correctly handle base64 encoded certificate formats for iOS (RDMR-9)
  • Fix: Output a message when a supplied certificate is unable to be loaded by the plugin (RDMR-9)
Additional Notes

Support for certificates not using the .cer extension requires @capacitor/cli@5.7.1 to correctly copy over all the supported certificate types. Please ensure you have this required version or later installed if your certificates are using non .cer extensions.



June 29, 2023

Excluded Domains Support

It is now possible to specify a list of domains that should be excluded from SSL pinning. This [configuration option]( is for applications that need to use SSL pinning for some domains but also need to connect to a domain that is not under the control of the application developer. Domains specified in excludedDomains should be fully qualified domains that include the protocol (e.g.

What's Changed

  • Feature: Add support for excluding domains from the SSL certificate checks



May 12, 2023

Initial Release

This is the initial release of the ssl pinning plugin for Capacitor. This plugin is an extension of the Capacitor HTTP plugin and allows you to pin SSL certificates for secure communication with your server. For requests to be pinned, you must use Capacitor HTTP plugin to make network requests as only these requests proxied through the native bridge will be pinned.

What's Changed

  • Feature: Initial SSL Pinning release