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Accessibility features include Screen Readers, Braille Displays, Magnifiers, Text to Speech, Speech Recognition and Alternate Keyboards (eg switches, sip & puff).

Before making changes to your application it is important to familiarize yourself with the accessibility features of your device or browser.

Testing Tools

Issues about accessibility can be automatically identified by tools which can help developers. Choosing a tool can help identify issues you may miss:

  • Axe Tools - A browser extension for testing Accessibility
  • Lighthouse - Part of chrome dev tools and used to score Accessibility and performance of a web application (The Lighthouse accessibility score is not indicative of the total accessibility of a Web page or app and testing still need to be performed)
  • Web Developer Toolbar - A browser extension to visualize the outline for heading structures (eg h1, h2 ...)
  • Accessibility Insights Extension - A browser extension with Accessibility tools and compliance checks
  • IBM Equal Access Toolkit - A browser extension to help identify accessibility issues
  • ARC Toolkit - A professional-level accessibility testing tool
  • WAVE - A suite of evaluation tools that helps authors make their web content more accessible
  • Firefox Dev Tools - The Accessibility Inspector for Firefox