An object describing the payment request, including information about the allowed payment methods, transaction, and the merchant.
allowedPaymentMethods- Type: GooglePayPaymentMethod
An array that contains the payment methods supported by Google Pay and your website.
emailRequiredSet to true to request an email address.
merchantInfo- Type: GooglePayMerchantInfo
An object that provides information about the merchant requesting payment data.
shippingAddressParametersIf shippingAddressRequired is set to true, specify shipping address restrictions.
shippingAddressRequiredSet to true to request a full shipping address.
shippingOptionParametersSet default options.
shippingOptionRequiredSet to true when the SHIPPING_OPTION callback intent is used. This field is required if you implement support for Authorize Payments or Dynamic Price Updates.
For more details see: GooglePayShippingOptionParameters
transactionInfo- Type: GooglePayTransactionInfo
An object that describes the current transaction.