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The Check Response data class is used to provide response details when using the asynchronous LiveUpdateManager.checkForUpdate() method.


successSuccessResponseDetails about the response if successful.
errorErrorResponse?Details about the response if there was an error.

SuccessResponse Class

The Success Response data class is used to provide response details when using the asynchronous LiveUpdateManager.checkForUpdate() method.


dataDataInformation about an available update or if no update.
metaMetaMisc. meta information.

Data Class

The Data class is used to provide details in the SuccessResponse data class.


urlString?A download url for an available update.
availableBooleanTrue if an update is available.
snapshotString?The snapshot ID of an available update.
partialBooleanIf the update is available as a partial download.
buildString?The build ID for the update.
compatibleBooleanIf the available update is compatible with the device.
incompatibleUpdateAvailableBooleanTrue if an incompatible update is available.