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The Live Update data class contains information about an app working with Live Updates.


appIdStringThe app ID of an app registered in Appflow.
channelNameStringThe name of the channel to sync with.
availableUpdateAvailableUpdateStateThe state reflecting if there is an available update for this app with Live Updates.
appStateAppStateThe state reflecting where in the update process the app may be before, during, or after a sync.

AvailableUpdateState Enum

The Available Update State enum class contains states reflecting if there is an available update for this app with Live Updates.


AVAILABLEAn update is available but not downloaded.
PENDINGAn update is pending.
READYAn app is updated and/or ready to use.

AppState Enum

The App State enum class contains states reflecting where in the update process the app may be before, during, or after a sync.


UNCHECKEDApp has not been checked for update.
CHECKINGUpdate check is in progress.
CHECKEDApp has been checked for update.
AVAILABLEAn update is available but not downloaded.
DOWNLOADINGAn update download is in process.
DOWNLOADEDApp update has been downloaded.
UNPACKINGA downloaded update is in the process of being unpacked.
UNPACKEDUpdate has been unpacked.
UPDATINGA downloaded unpacked update is being applied.
UPDATEDThe app is fully updated.
CANCELEDThe update process is canceled.
FAILEDThe update process failed.