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Mini apps

While a superapp in general (like the iOS superapp app we are building) is typically a native application that's home to core features and functions, mini apps are home to experiences that allow users to complete other specific tasks.

In our example, the mini app Kudos offers the option to users to recognize the work of their colleagues. It has a very finite purpose. This type of feature-set is common in mini apps. They are focus on one or a small number of features that aim to cover one of the many tasks users need to complete throughout their entire superapp user journey.

Let's take a look at home a mini app is loaded up into the superapp experience.

Loading the mini app

As shown in the presentation section of the HubView, MiniAppView is passed an app, which is a MiniApp object. We previously mentioned the importance the id field would play and we'll see that soon. It will be imperative to the definition of the PortalView that's accessible by importing IonicPortals.

ios/Superapp Starter/Hub/MiniApp/MiniAppView.swift
import IonicPortals
import SwiftUI

struct MiniAppView: View {
let selectedApp: MiniApp

init(app: MiniApp) {
self.selectedApp = app

var body: some View { ... }

With the passed app stored within the MiniAppView as selectedApp, we can use it to initialize the PortalView that's presented. The PortalView is a SwiftUI View that displays a Portal. It sits within a VStack container within the view's body. The Portal is a web application that we'll embed within thie PortalView.

To make the process of creating the Portal even simpler, we've provided the extension file Portal+MiniApp.swift. It includes a create function for defining the Portal with some passed properties. Also, within the same file is a custom Capacitor plugin definition called Dismiss. This plugin allows us to dismiss the presented web view on the native layer using a button defined at the web layer!

ios/Superapp Starter/Hub/MiniApp/MiniAppView.swift
import IonicPortals
import SwiftUI

struct MiniAppView: View {
@Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
@State private var hideTabBar = true

let selectedApp: MiniApp

init(app: MiniApp) {
self.selectedApp = app

var body: some View {
VStack {
portal: .create(from: selectedApp) { @MainActor in
.toolbar(hideTabBar ? .hidden : .visible, for: .tabBar)

By using the create function and passing it the selectedApp, we've provided the information necessary to tell the app where to look for the web application. In our case, the id field of the selectedApp is also the name of the Portal. Further, the location of the Portal is in a /portals directory in a path also named using the id.

You'll also see the closure from the create function where dismiss() is called. This is executed for the custom Dismiss plugin and then calls the dismiss environment variable that allows us to dismiss the view on the native side. Since the web application has it's own navigation bar, we've hidden the native navigation bar as well.

The presented web applications may also we expected to be "full screen", in which case we don't want the tab bar to be shown either. So, we can manipulate the visibility of the .tabBar using the toolbar() that watches a @State property. In this case, when the mini app is shown, the tab bar gets hidden. When it's going to be dismissed, we toggle the state so the tab bar will be visible again when the user gets back to the HubView.

Of course, in order for all this to work, that web application code must actually be at the directory we're telling the Portal/PortalView to look. To do this, we must add the web code to our iOS project.

Adding web apps to your project

To add web apps to the superapp project we can can update the Run Script within the Superapp Starter Project > Targets > Superapp Starter > Build Phases. The Run Script automates the process of copying these apps into your project's directories.

In our case, the embedded web apps will be added to a /portals directory as dictated by the EMBEDDED_DIR definition which also makes use of the BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR and TARGET_NAME enviornment variables. The apps to embed exists with the APP_LIST in the format of <name>|<location>.

# Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace to insert its path.

echo "App ${TARGET_NAME} is being copied! ${EMBEDDED_APP}";

mkdir "${EMBEDDED_DIR}"

The script will then loop through each entry within the APP_LIST and extract it's name and source directory.

for APP_INFO in ${APP_LIST[@]}
IFS="|" read -r -a arr <<< "${APP_INFO}"


# additional steps

Before copying the app, the loop checks if the destination directory already contains an app with the same name and removes it if it does:

if [ -d "${EMBEDDED_DIR}/${APP_NAME}" ]
rm -r "${APP_NAME}"

The loop then proceeds to copy the app to the destination directory. First, the directory is safely made. Then the app's files (excluding operating system specific files) are zipped. Finally, the script moves to the destination directory and unzips the files:



if [ -d "${EMBEDDED_APP}" ]
zip -vr "${ZIP_FILE}" * -x "*.DS_Store"
unzip "${ZIP_FILE}" -d "${EMBEDDED_DIR}/${APP_NAME}"
rm "${ZIP_FILE}"
echo "App ${APP_NAME} has not been built! ${EMBEDDED_APP}"
exit 999

Altogether we have a complete script to take each mini app (web application) and make them accessible within the superapp, which can be presented via a Portal inside of a PortalView.

# Type a script or drag a script file from your workspace to insert its path.

echo "App ${TARGET_NAME} is being copied! ${EMBEDDED_APP}";

mkdir "${EMBEDDED_DIR}"

for APP_INFO in ${APP_LIST[@]}
IFS="|" read -r -a arr <<< "${APP_INFO}"


if [ -d "${EMBEDDED_DIR}/${APP_NAME}" ]
rm -r "${APP_NAME}"



if [ -d "${EMBEDDED_APP}" ]
zip -vr "${ZIP_FILE}" * -x "*.DS_Store"
unzip "${ZIP_FILE}" -d "${EMBEDDED_DIR}/${APP_NAME}"
rm "${ZIP_FILE}"
echo "App ${APP_NAME} has not been built! ${EMBEDDED_APP}"
exit 999