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Creating a dynamic Portal view

In this step, you will sync the finalized web apps with the iOS project and dynamically display the proper web app based on web app metadata.

Exploring the problem

The Jobsync superapp should consolidate multiple web experience into a single mobile experience. Up to this point, you have been using a sample web app to test and debug Portals against.

In a real world scenario, you may be tasked to implement Portals and develop communication hooks while web developers are in the process of building out the actual web experiences to present through Portals.


Use the sample web app downloaded from the poc Portals CLI command to integrate and test Portals before syncing and testing web experiences provided by web developers.

The last task remaining before the Jobsync superapp is complete is to sync the individual web apps and dynamically determine which one should be displayed within WebAppView at any given moment.

Syncing the web apps

Delete the sample web app downloaded from the Portals CLI, it is no longer needed:


rm -rf /portals-debug-app

Update /ios/.portals.yaml to match the following code:


- file-path: ../web/apps/expenses/dist
directory-name: portals/expenses
- file-path: ../web/apps/tasks/dist
directory-name: portals/tasks
- file-path: ../web/apps/time-tracking/dist
directory-name: portals/time-tracking


The monorepo contains the build outputs of all the web experiences to sync with Portals. In a typical development workflow, you would sync Live Updates pushed to Appflow.

Dynamically configuring a Portal

Open Portals/WebApps.swift in Xcode and note the following code:


import Foundation
struct WebAppMetadata: Hashable {
var name: String
var description: String
WebAppMetadata(name: "time-tracking", description: "Stay on schedule by tracking time spent.")

The list of features to display on the dashboard come from this list. When one of the features is selected, the metadata entry is passed to WebAppView, and the name property can be used to set the name property and compute the correct startDir when initializing the Portal.

Make the following changes to Portals/WebAppView.swift:


import SwiftUI
import IonicPortals
struct WebAppView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var credentialsManager: CredentialsManager
@Environment(\.dismiss) var dismiss
let metadata: WebAppMetadata
var body: some View {
PortalView(portal: .init(
startDir: "portals/\(",
initialContext: credentialsManager.credentials!.toJSObject()
.task {
let stream = PortalsPubSub.subscribe(to: "navigate:back")
for await _ in stream {
#Preview {
WebAppView(metadata: WebApps.metadata[0])

Build and run the Jobsync app and navigate to the dashboard view. Select a feature from the list, and the finalized web app will load within the PortalView.

Press the back arrow in the web app's header, and you'll be taken back to the dashboard view. The button publishes a message to the navigate:back and the subscriber previously added dismisses the view. Navigate to a different feature and observe a different web app load within a new Portal.


Due to the way initial context and the analytics plugin work for the purpose of this training, validating initial context and the analytics plugin requires inspecting network requests made within the Expenses web app.


With the finalized web apps dynamically presenting through Portals, the Jobsync superapp is complete! In this training module, you learned how to create and dynamically present a web app through a Portal and exercised the various ways native mobile apps can communicate through a Portal. Furthermore, you used the Portals CLI to set up a development workflow to test and debug Portals communication without needing the finalized web artifacts.

You now have the tools in place to start integrating Portals into any iOS app. Happy coding!! 🤓