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Multiple Portals and Single Page Applications

In some cases, it break down a large Single Page Application (SPA) into multiple Portals to create a better User Experience. The below example is similar to the Multi Portals with Multiple Web Applications example, but it is a SPA rather than multiple applications.

Declaring Multiple Portals

Setting up multiple Portals is as easy as declaring another Portal in the PortalManager. Each Portal will function independently of one another and will be a separate instance of the SPA.

.setInitialContext(mapOf("route" to "/maps"))

.setInitialContext(mapOf("route" to "/shopping"))

The "Maps & Geolocation" Portal will be an instance of the SPA in the web folder in the Assets directory with an "initialContext" of the following.

"route": "/map"

Similarly, the "Shopping & Checkout" Portal will be a separate instance of the SPA in the web folder in the Assets directory with an "initialContext" of the following.

"route": "/shopping"

Injecting the Initial Context Into the Web Application

With this initialContext value set, you can use this to properly navigate to the correct route within your Portal. The Portals E-commerce example uses this method. You can see how we inject the context here on Github using the Portal.getInitialContext() function.

Project Structure

In your project, you'll need to a single folder in your Assets directory that contains the built output for your SPA. For more information on how to setup web bundles in your native project, see our how-to guide.