Installation - iOS
The following steps attempt to distill the official Intune App SDK iOS integration documentation to the basics needed to integrate into your Ionic/Capacitor app. Please refer to that documentation for the most up-to-date authoritative installation instructions.
0. Before startingNote that version 7.x of @ionic-enterprise/intune
requires a deployment target of iOS 14 or higher and requires Xcode 15+.
1. Add FrameworksThe Intune App SDK requires the following Core iOS frameworks be added to your app project:
- AudioToolbox.framework
- CoreServices.framework
- ImageIO.framework
- libc++.tbd
- libsqlite3.tbd
- LocalAuthentication.framework
- MessageUI.framework
- QuartzCore.framework
- Security.framework
- SystemConfiguration.framework
- WebKit.framework
2. Configure KeychainAdd the following keychain groups under Signing & Capabilities, making sure to substitute your app's Bundle ID for the first group:
3. Enable Application Queries SchemesOpen Info.plist
and add a new Row with the name LSApplicationQueriesSchemes
of type Array
containing all of the protocols your app will attempt to open, for example by using the App Launcher API in Capacitor.
Any custom protocols your app launches must have two entries: the original protocol and a new one with -intunemam
Additionally, the following intune-specific protocols must be added :
<key>LSApplicationQueriesSchemes</key><array> <string>msauthv2</string> <string>msauthv3</string> <string>mvisionmobile</string> <string>scmx</string> <string>lookoutwork-ase</string> <string>lacoonsecurity</string> <string>zips</string> <string>skycure</string> <string>smart-ns</string> <string>smsec</string> <string>betteractiveshield</string> <string>wandera</string> <string>https-intunemam</string> <string>http-intunemam</string> <string>intunemam-mtd</string> <string>microsoft-edge-https-intunemam</string> <string>microsoft-edge-http-intunemam</string> <string>ms-outlook-intunemam</string> <string>companyportal</string></array>
4. Set a NSFaceIDUsageDescriptionTo enable Face ID support, add a description for NSFaceIDUsageScription
also known as Privacy - Face ID Usage Description
in Info.plist
5. Update Target iOS VersionThe Intune App SDK supports iOS 13 and above, make sure to set the Deployment target for your app to 13 or higher (or 12.2 if you are using version 2.x of the plugin):
6. Disable BitcodeThe Intune App SDK does not support Bitcode. In the Build Settings for your app in Xcode, set Strip Swift Symbols
and Enable Bitcode
to NO
Also add these lines to the Podfile
in your app's ios/App
directory. This will make sure bitcode is not enabled on any Pod targets:
post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['ENABLE_BITCODE'] = 'NO' end endend
7. Run IntuneMAMConfiguratorAs a final step, Microsoft has provided a command line utility to finish configuring your app. To use it, follow step #7 on the official SDK integration docs from Microsoft.
For example, these commands will clone, copy and run intuneMAMConfigurator
git clone tmp --depth 1cp tmp/IntuneMAMConfigurator .rm -rf tmpchmod +x IntuneMAMConfigurator./IntuneMAMConfigurator -i ios/App/App/Info.plist -e ios/App/App/App.entitlements
When the command is successful it will report IntuneMAMConfigurator[99999:999999] Success!!!
. If IntuneMAMConfigurator
is not executable then you will get an error permission denied
8. Configure MSALMSAL configuration is required to enable brokered auth and other common Azure Active Directory authentication integrations.
Follow the MSAL Configuration docs to finish setting up MSAL in your app.
Additionally, in AppDelegate.swift
, import MSAL
and override the application(_:open:options:)
import MSAL
@UIApplicationMainclass AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate { func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool { // Called when the app was launched with a url. Feel free to add additional processing here, // but if you want the App API to support tracking app url opens, make sure to keep this call // return ApplicationDelegateProxy.shared.application(app, open: url, options: options) return MSALPublicClientApplication.handleMSALResponse(url, sourceApplication: options[UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey.sourceApplication] as? String) }