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Capacitor: Importing#

Import from @ionic-enterprise/intune, for example:

import { IntuneMAM } from '@ionic-enterprise/intune';

Cordova: Importing, TypeScript, and Usage#

Cordova developers can access IntuneMAM directly on window.

For using TypeScript, import the types as such (note the import type):

import type {  IntuneMAMPlugin,  // If using, other types can be imported as such:  IntuneMAMAppConfig,  IntuneMAMGroupName,  IntuneMAMPolicy,  IntuneMAMUser,  IntuneMAMVersionInfo,} from '@ionic-enterprise/intune/cordova/definitions';

Then, when accessing IntuneMAM, it can be typed like this:

const IntuneMAM = (window as any).IntuneMAM as IntuneMAMPlugin;

Accessing IntuneMAM should be done after deviceready fires, regardless of the above.

MSAL Acquire Token and Intune Register Flow#

For apps that need access to a token from MSAL (to make authenticated requests to Microsoft graph services, for example), must follow the acquireToken, acquireTokenSilent, and registerAndEnrollAccount flow.

First, the user must log in using acquireToken which presents an interactive authentication experience, and then registerAndEnrollAccount should be called to enroll the user in Intune:

// Login page componentconst authInfo = await IntuneMAM.acquireToken({  scopes: ['scope-1', 'scope-2'],  forcePrompt: false});
try {   await IntuneMAM.registerAndEnrollAccount({     accountId: authInfo.accountId,   });} catch (error) {  // Handle errors}

The forcePrompt option can be used to force the user to re-enter their login information. The default is false.

On successfully enrolling your application will close on iOS. If your application does not need to be managed by your company you do not need to call registerAndEnrollAccount.

The response from acquireToken and acquireTokenSilent will be of the form:

export interface IntuneMAMAcquireToken {  accountId: string;  accessToken: string;  accountIdentifier: string;  idToken?: string;}

Then, on subsequent loads, the app should request a token silently using acquireTokenSilent and passing in the accountId for the user. If that fails, then the app must present the interactive authentication flow again, for example:

// Home/App componenttry {  const tokenInfo = await IntuneMAM.acquireTokenSilent({    scopes: [''],    accountId: this.accountId,    forceRefresh: false  });  setTokenInfo(tokenInfo);} catch {  console.error('Unable to silently acquire token, getting interactive');  const tokenInfo = await IntuneMAM.acquireToken({    scopes: [''],  });  setTokenInfo(tokenInfo);}

Note: You can choose to set the forceRefresh property to true to force a new token to be obtained. The default false will return a cached token if the token has not expired.

See the Demo app for an example of this flow.

acquireToken and acquireTokenSilent both expect a set of scopes to be provided, (for example "").

Learn more about MSAL Scopes:

Logging in and Enrolling Account#

For apps that do not need a token from MSAL, loginAndEnrollAccount will authenticate and enroll the user in Intune for access to policies and configuration:

await IntuneMAM.loginAndEnrollAccount();

Get Enrolled Account#

Once a user is logged in and enrolled, the accountId can be accessed with:

const user = await IntuneMAM.enrolledAccount();
// User's ObjectID can be accessed using the accountId field:// user.accountId

Sign out and Deregister Account#

To sign a user out and un-enroll them:

await IntuneMAM.deRegisterAndUnenrollAccount(user);

Note: On successful un-enrollment the application will close on iOS.

Sign out using MSAL#

To sign a user out using MSAL:

await IntuneMAM.logoutOfAccount(user);

Note: Unlike deRegisterAndUnenrollAccount this method does not wipe app data nor close the application on iOS.

Load App Config#

Access the remote app configuration:

await IntuneMAM.appConfig(user);

Get App Policy#

Get the remote app policy:

await IntuneMAM.getPolicy(user);

Listen for Policy and Config changes#

Note: not yet supported for Cordova.

To listen for remote app configuration or policy changes, the following events can be subscribed to:

IntuneMAM.addListener('appConfigChange', () => {  console.log('App config change here');});IntuneMAM.addListener('policyChange', () => {  console.log('Policy change here');});

Get User Group Name#

Get the group name of the user (if any)

await IntuneMAM.groupName(user);

Diagnostics and Debugging#

Intune is a complex environment, and making it easy for users to provide diagnostics and debugging information can be very helpful.

To fetch the version of the Intune SDK in use:

await IntuneMAM.sdkVersion();

To display a diagnostic console to access logs to share with your network administrator:

await IntuneMAM.displayDiagnosticConsole();