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Syncing a Portal with Live Updates

The sync operation checks AppFlow for a new version of a web app used in a Portal. If an update is available, the files are downloaded and the Portal is updated to use those new files the next time it loads. The Live Updates SDK will perform a sync with the Live Update Config is added to the portal if it has been configured with syncOnAdd: true. This is typically done when an app is initially launched and requires a restart of an app to trigger subsequent syncs. We recommend performing a sync in other situations to provide more chances for Portals to update.

Triggering a Sync

A sync can be triggered by calling the syncOne, syncSome, or syncAll functions exposed in @ionic/portals-react-native:

import { syncOne, syncSome, syncAll } from `ionic/portals-react-native`;

// Sync a single live update
const singleResult = await syncOne('appId1');

// Sync many live updates
const manyResult = await syncSome(['appId1', 'appId2']);

// Sync all live updates
const allResult = await syncAll();

The appId provided to syncOne and syncSome should correspond to the live update configuration associated with the Portal desired to be updated.

See the Portals for React Native reference documentation for the data that is returned from the sync calls.