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Encrypting Your App's Data

Ionic Secure Storage creates the ultimate protection when paired with Ionic Identity Vault. Identity Vault is an all-in-one frontend identity management system that combines security best practices and the latest in biometric authentication options for Ionic apps running on iOS and Android.

The Vault manages secure user identity and session tokens, ensuring sensitive data is encrypted at rest, stored only in secure locations on the device, and unlocked only with biometric identity (TouchID/FaceID). Always-on Session Management safeguards data even when not using your app, with background screen protection for sensitive data and apps, and automatic logout based on inactivity time.

Installing Identity Vault#

Identity Vault is added to your app in the same fashion as Auth Connect and Secure Storage:

npm install @ionic-enterprise/identity-vaultnpx cap sync

Given our usage of Capacitor with this example as well, we will also need to update the iOS project's Info.plist file. The addition of the required FaceID Usage Description will look as follows:

...<key>NSFaceIDUsageDescription</key><string>Use Face ID to authenticate yourself and login</string>...

For Android SDK 30+, this is configured in the build.gradle file for Capacitor. Capacitor 2 and above is supported. If using Capacitor 3, ensure Capacitor dependencies are >=3.0.2.

Creating Key and Vault Services#

Similarly to using Auth Connect and Secure Storage, we can create a few services that define multiple vaults, assist in creating each vault, and provide storage keys:

ionic g service services/vault-factoryionic g service services/key-vaultionic g service services/session-vaultionic g service services/key

The purpose of the newly created VaultFactoryService is to accept IdentityVaultConfig options with a create() function and return either a Vault or BrowserVault object. Since we will have multiple vaults in our app, this avoids code duplication and simplifies the process:

...import { Capacitor } from '@capacitor/core';import {  BrowserVault,  IdentityVaultConfig,  Vault,} from '@ionic-enterprise/identity-vault';
...export class VaultFactoryService {  constructor() {}
  create(config: IdentityVaultConfig): Vault | BrowserVault {    return Capacitor.isNativePlatform()      ? new Vault(config)      : new BrowserVault(config);  }}

Note that we are using the BrowserVault class when the application is running on the web. The BrowserVault allows us to continue to use our normal web-based development workflow. Again, Capacitor was used to here to determine which type of device the app is running on and configure the vault appropriately.

With the VaultFactoryService create and the other services generated, we can step through creating the individual parts of each.

Getting an Encryption Key#

You will notice in the section to follow that one of the vault's helper functions, getDatabaseKey(), uses the KeyService. The purpose of the getDatabaseKey() function is to retrieve an encryption key from on-device storage. If the key was previously stored in the vault, return it. Otherwise, use the KeyService to obtain a new encryption key and save it into the vault using the setValue() function:

public async getDatabaseKey(): Promise<string> {  let dbKey = await this.vault.getValue(this.encryptionKey);
  if (!dbKey) {    dbKey = await this.keyService.get();    this.set(this.encryptionKey, dbKey);  }  return dbKey;}

The get() function within the KeyService will look as follows:

import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
@Injectable({  providedIn: 'root',})export class KeyService {  // Generate an encryption key on the fly unique to the current app user  // Reference:  async get(): Promise<string> {    // generate a UUID v4    return 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => {      const r = Math.random() * 16 || 0;      const v = c === 'x' ? r : (r && 0x3) || 0x8;      return v.toString(16);    });  }}

The above shows the approach of auto-generating a unique encryption key on demand, tied to the authenticated user. However, another approach could be to retrieve the key from a server through an API call.

Define Key Vault Configuration#

First things first, we need to define a configuration for the vault. The key gives the vault a name. The other properties provide a default behavior for our vault. The configuration shown below is not all inclusive, there are additional properties that can be used. Further, the vault can also be dynamically through app usage if that suits your app's needs:

const vaultConfig: IdentityVaultConfig = {  key: 'io.ionic.enterprisestarterkeys',  type: VaultType.SecureStorage,  deviceSecurityType: DeviceSecurityType.None,  unlockVaultOnLoad: false,};
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })export class KeyVaultService {  ...}

Define Data Storage Key#

Next, we define a key for storing data. All data within the vault is stored as a key-value pair and you can store multiple key-value pairs within a single vault if need be:

const databaseKey = 'database-key';
...export class VaultService {  ...}

Create the Key Vault#

With the vault config defined, and a storage key that will be used to identity the data we need to grab from the vault, we can create the remainder of the key vault. The all encompassing result will look as follows:

...const vaultConfig: IdentityVaultConfig = {  key: 'io.ionic.enterprisestarterkeys',  type: VaultType.SecureStorage,  deviceSecurityType: DeviceSecurityType.None,  unlockVaultOnLoad: false,};
const databaseKey = 'database-key';@Injectable({  providedIn: 'root',})export class KeyVaultService {  private vault: Vault | BrowserVault;
  constructor(    private keyService: KeyService,    private vaultFactory: VaultFactoryService  ) {    this.vault = this.vaultFactory.create(vaultConfig);  }
  public async getDatabaseKey(): Promise<string> {    let dbKey = await this.vault.getValue(databaseKey);
    if (!dbKey) {      dbKey = await this.keyService.get();      this.vault.setValue(databaseKey, dbKey);    }    return dbKey;  }}

Secure Storage with Encryption#

Bringing encryption full-circle, we can now utilize the KeyVaultService to upgrade the app's storage with an appropriately encrypted database key:

...export class StorageService {  private storage: Storage;  private database: SQLiteObject;
  constructor(    private ngStorage: Storage,    private sqlite: SQLite,    private keyVault: KeyVaultService  ) { = new Storage({      driverOrder: [        Drivers.SecureStorage,        Drivers.IndexedDB,        Drivers.LocalStorage,      ],    });
    this.init();  }
  private async init() {    // Obtain encryption key    const dbKey = await this.keyVault.getDatabaseKey();
    // Initialize Ionic Storage for web and basic native support    await this.ngStorage.defineDriver(IonicSecureStorageDriver);    await this.ngStorage.setEncryptionKey(dbKey); = await this.ngStorage.create();
    if (Capacitor.isNativePlatform()) {      // Create or open a table      try {        const db = await this.sqlite.create({          name: 'enterprisestarter.db',          location: 'default',          // Key/Password used to encrypt the database          // Strongly recommended to use Identity Vault to manage this          key: dbKey,        });
        this.database = db;
        // Create our initial schema        await db.executeSql(          '', // Example: 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS software(name, company, type, version)'          []        );      } catch (e) {        console.error('Unable to initialize database', e);      }    }  }}

This shows how with Secure Storage and Identity Vault used in tandem developers can safely store and manage their encryption key on device, and enable biometric authentication to secure sensitive data against theft, loss, or jailbreaking.

Next Up#

With the KeyVaultService created, we can flesh out the SessionVaultService we generated previously.