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API Errors

CLI Access Error

Error: Usage of Web Builds, Live Updates, Native Builds, and Deploy to App Store from the Appflow CLI is only available on the Standard and Enterprise Plans. Reach out to Ionic here:

In order to use the Appflow CLI to integrate with your own CI/CD and other automations, you must use a token associated with a Standard or Enterprise plan organization.

Build Errors

Error: Build failed, see above

This error can occur whenever a build fails to complete. Usually, there should be logging output above that can be used to understand why the build failed.

Resource Not Found Errors

Error: Not Authorized: Missing Rule: apps:app_id:ReadApp

This error can occur if you provide the incorrect app-id to a command, or an app-id that the token you are using does not have access to.

Error: Commit <commit> for app <app-id> not found

This error can occur if you pass a commit SHA that is too short and therefore not unique, or an unknown commit SHA.