The quickstart tutorial will walk you through the key concepts of Appflow! Concepts that will be explored include:
- Adding an app to Appflow
- Integrating Appflow with a Git host
- Connecting to a repo
- Pushing commits to Appflow
- Building a native binary from a commit
- Automating the build process for native binaries
- Customizing the build process with environments and native configs
- Configuring your app for live updates
- Deploying Live Updates to your app using Appflow
Simply follow the guide step-by-step, or navigate directly to the documentation for the component that interests you.

Follow the quickstart tutorial and get up and running with Appflow in no time!

Don't have a CI/CD platform yet? Use Automations to set one up quickly.

Already have a CI/CD platform? Use Appflow in your pipelines with our CLI.

Update your app remotely in real-time without app store delays.

Build app binaries in the cloud for iOS and Android.

Publish directly to the iOS App Store and Google Play Store, directly from the Appflow dashboard.