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Version: 6.0

Upgrading Identity Vault

Upgrading to v6.0.0

Identity Vault 6.0.0 includes some important changes that you'll need to address when upgrading:

Removal of VaultMigrator

The VaultMigrator functionality, which was previously used to migrate data from Identity Vault 4.x to 5.x, has been removed. If you are upgrading directly from Identity Vault 4.x, you should first upgrade to Identity Vault 5.x to perform the data migration before upgrading to 6.0.0.

Privacy Screen Changes

The Device.setHideScreenOnBackground() method has been removed. Instead, you should use the @capacitor/privacy-screen plugin to handle privacy screen functionality:

  1. First, install the privacy screen plugin:

npm install @capacitor/privacy-screen
npx cap sync

  1. Replace any usage of Device.setHideScreenOnBackground() with the privacy screen plugin:

import { PrivacyScreen } from '@capacitor/privacy-screen';
// Enable privacy screen (previously Device.setHideScreenOnBackground(true))
await PrivacyScreen.enable();
// Optional: Configure platform-specific behavior
await PrivacyScreen.enable({
android: {
dimBackground: true,
preventScreenshots: true
ios: {
blurEffect: 'dark'
// Disable privacy screen (previously Device.setHideScreenOnBackground(false))
await PrivacyScreen.disable();
// Check if privacy screen is enabled
const { enabled } = await PrivacyScreen.isEnabled();

The privacy screen plugin provides more granular control over the privacy screen behavior on both Android and iOS platforms. Note that this plugin is only supported on mobile platforms and is not available for web.

Upgrading to v5.0.0

The entire Vault API was redesigned for Identity Vault 5. Because of this, it's not possible to access your stored vault data from version 4 using the new Vault API. To seamlessly handle this transition, we've created a VaultMigrator class that you can use to pull your existing data out of the old vault and insert it into a new one.

// This is example code only
const vault = new Vault();
await vault.initialize({
// new V5 config
try {
const migrator = new VaultMigrator({
// old V4 config
const oldData = await migrator.exportVault();
if (!!oldData) {
// Import data into new vault
await vault.importVault(oldData);
// Remove all of the old data from the legacy vault
await migrator.clear();
} catch (err) {
// Something went wrong...
console.log("MIGRATOR ERROR: ", err.message);

Browser Support

Identity Vault is not supported in the browser for a number of reasons, the primary among them being that the browser does not have a secure location for storing data like actual mobile devices do. Ideally, we'd like to continue development using our browser tools to maintain the speed of web development. To accomplish this, Identity Vault provides a special BrowserVault class. Learn how to use it here.

Securing Auth Connect Tokens

Auth Connect, Ionic's native solution for easy single sign-on implementations, is designed to work easily with Identity Vault. In just one line of code, Auth Connect's logged-in credentials can be stored securely by passing an instance of Identity Vault to Auth Connect's tokenStorageProvider configuration option.

First, update to the latest version of Auth Connect. Then, assign the tokenStorageProvider to the Vault object:

// Identity Vault 4
authConfig.tokenStorageProvider = vaultService;
// Identity Vault 5
authConfig.tokenStorageProvider = vaultService.vault;

Complete example:

import { IonicAuth } from '@ionic-enterprise/auth';
import { VaultService } from './vault.service';
providedIn: 'root'
export class AuthenticationService extends IonicAuth {
constructor(vaultService: VaultService) {
let authConfig: IonicAuthOptions = {
authConfig: 'auth0',
platform: 'capacitor',
// snip - other options
// Pass Identity Vault instance here
authConfig.tokenStorageProvider = vaultService.vault;

Upgrading to v4.0.0

If you have Identity Vault <3.1.0, please see Upgrading from v3.0.0 to >=v3.1.0 before following these upgrade instructions.

  • Upgrade your app to use cordova-android 9.x (see the 9.0.0 milestone for progress) or Capacitor 2.x.
    • For Capacitor, please see the upgrade guide for Android and iOS.
  • Install the new plugin version.