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Version: 6.0


The type of vault

Enumeration members


User will set a custom passcode that will be used to access the vault.

On iOS, this vault is NOT synchronized via iCloud or new device setup.


Uses additional device features to add an additional layer of security while the user is in the app.

On iOS, this vault is NOT synchronized via iCloud or new device setup.


Data will persist only while the application is in memory. When this vault type "locks" the data stored in the vault is removed. Thus methods like unlock and isLocked have no effect.

On iOS, this vault is NOT synchronized via iCloud or new device setup.


No additional security is required in the app. This vault type cannot be locked/unlock so methods like lock, unlock, and isLocked as well as the lockAfterbackgrounded configuration property have no effect.

On iOS, this vault is synchronized via iCloud or new device setup.