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Fiserv Payments

Fiserv offers a full range of efficient in-house and outsourced payment solutions that help you match the speed of consumers' expectations.

  • Payments

Whether your customers are paying people or businesses, in person, online, or by mobile, Fiserv solutions allow you to maximize the potential of electronic payment processing. We offer a range of innovative, fully integrated in-house and outsourced payment solutions designed to meet your needs and your customers' changing demands while adhering to regulatory requirements.

Fiserv's real-time payments technology includes:

    A reduction in operational costs associated with multiple payment channels

    A payments suite with real-time payment processing capabilities

    Products that prevent fraud in real-time before it occurs

The Ionic team is researching adding this plugin to Capacitor's supported platforms. If you'd like to see brought into the Ionic ecosystem, let's talk.

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