Embrace the power of the web.

Progressive Web Apps built with Ionic use modern web capabilities to deliver a fast, native app-like experience.

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Works offline and performs well on low-quality networks.

gear icon for capability


Web apps are more capable than ever given modern APIs.

download icon for installability


Runs as a standalone window and launches from the home screen.

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Learn how PWAs can boost your app strategy by harnessing the web. Our PWA guide covers it all.

Get your free guide →

Brands large and small are benefiting from PWAs.

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Ionic and PWA animated image

Ionic apps run seamlessly as PWAs.

Have an existing Ionic app, but need a PWA? Follow our guides for Angular, React, or Vue.

Get started:

Capacitor 🤝 PWA

Take your web app further with Capacitor.

By turning to Capacitor to build your PWA, you get the best of the web and so much more.

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Simple web API access

Uniform API access across web and native platforms.

sphere in box icon for native

Access native APIs

Extend the functionality of your app beyond the APIs available on the web.

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Build a native app

Bring your PWA to the app stores with ease.

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Seamless native integration

Learn more.

Learn how Progressive Web Apps can boost your app strategy with greater reach and engagement, and start building yours today.

Discover the pieces that make up a PWA.

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Start, build & deploy your first PWA with Ionic and Capacitor.

Get started →

Transform your organization using a PWA-first app development strategy.

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Get an overview on what PWAs are, how they work, and why you need one.

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