December 15, 2021
  • Announcements
  • Stencil
  • stencil

Announcing Stencil v2.12

Anthony Giuliano

Stencil v2.12

2021 is coming to an end, but we couldn’t close out the year without one more Stencil minor release! Stencil v2.12 is here and comes with new improvements ranging from the Stencil CLI, to testing implementations, to error callstacks. Check out what we’ve been working on.

In case you missed it, we will be deprecating the dist-custom-elements-bundle output target in favor of the dist-custom-elements output target. This deprecation won’t take effect until the next major release of Stencil, but in the meantime we’ve added a CLI deprecation warning message for users of dist-custom-elements-bundle. We’ve updated the docs to reflect this as well.

Speaking of CLI updates, Stencil v2.12 also comes with a small improvement to our CLI messaging. While you could always see all of the Stencil CLI options with the command npx stencil --help, now those options are also available when you run the command npx stencil.

Stencil v2.12 is not without its fair share of squashed bugs as well. With the help of kevinleedrum, we’ve fixed a small bug related to the implementation of the Node.contains method. Now, when this method is passed the parent/context node, it returns true as per the specifications. We’ve also implemented a bug fix that ensures that error callstacks point to the exact line of code causing the error. Huge shoutouts to smndhm, paladin80, and johnjenkins for their help on this issue.

We hope you enjoy these updates and we are looking forward to bringing you more updates in 2022. Until then, happy coding! 😀

Anthony Giuliano