Wakanda Digital App Factory Integrates Ionic
Wakanda is an open source, full-stack JavaScript platform that allows developers to create and deploy mobile & web applications in the enterprise. Developers can use Wakanda to visually create data models, integrate external data sources (MySQL, MSSQL, Web Service), make data available via an automatically generated REST API, and secure data access by associating CRUD operations with user groups.
Developers can use Wakanda’s JavaScript client side connectors to consume the API without effort, whether they’re using Angular, React, Aurelia, or another framework. Deploy your application yourself, or just click on a button inside the studio, and let Wakanda deploy it for you.
Wakanda has integrated Ionic, Angular, and Cordova for developers to build powerful mobile apps. Use Ionic and Angular to develop your web and mobile apps with livereload, preview, run on device, and build available from the toolbar–no command line needed.
Integrated frontend and backend
Wakanda leverages web technologies to create cross-platform enterprise apps and is comprised of Wakanda Studio and Wakanda Backend.
Wakanda Studio is a full IDE that simplifies web and mobile development by integrating a comprehensive set of tools, including the Ionic CLI. It guides you through the entire application development workflow: create, preview, run, build, deploy.
When you create a new solution inside Wakanda Studio, a full application is scaffolded for you, with all layers connected: backend, database, web, and mobile.
You can create a data-class to represent every business entity your application handles, or integrate a remote DB or web service. In both cases, a REST API is automatically generated, handling all operations on your entities, collections, and data-classes.
Whether you are using the built-in DB or integrating an external data source (third party DB or cloud application), you can secure your data, enrich it with business logic by adding methods and handling events, and select what business entities (company, employee) you want to expose or not via REST.
It’s a fully integrated development environment; you code your application and preview it inside the studio.
You can see how your app looks in iOS or Android with a single click on “preview”. Live reload is included, and it’s easy to start it on a simulator or on a device.
When you’re ready to share your app, click on “build your app” to deploy the backend, and track the progress in the Studio’s console.
Wakanda Studio includes a system setup tool that makes it easier to install prerequisites, detect common issues, and fix them.
Wakanda is available for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux (Wakanda Server only).
Learn more about how Wakanda reduces the amount of time required for each step of the app development cycle from our Getting Started guide.