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appflow live-update bundle-artifact


This feature is only available to Enterprise customers with access to Self-hosted Live Updates.

[appflow, live-update, bundle-artifact]

This command creates a pre-bundled Live Update artifact for Appflow, packaging your web app's compiled assets and a manifest file. Bundling prepares the update for deployment by generating necessary metadata and structuring files in a deployment-ready format. Note that after running this command, the update should be uploaded to your hosting provider before registering it with Appflow using the register-artifact command.

appflow live-update bundle-artifact [flags]


appflow live-update bundle-artifact --build-dir=www --signing-key=$IONIC_SIGNING_KEY [--output-path=./]


  • "bundle"


--build-dir [required]stringWeb asset path (e.g. 'www')
--output-pathstringThe path to the output of the resulting zip file
--signing-keystringPrivate signing key as a string or the path to a file containing the private signing key

Global Flags

-h, --helpbooleanfalsePrint help information for command
--configstringAppflow config file (.appflow.yaml by default)
--jsonbooleanfalseFor commands with output, shortcut to print as JSON
--outputstring"text"For commands with output, print as [json] or human readable [text]
--tokenstringIonic authorization token


bundlePathstringThe file path to the newly bundled Live Update.
Successful Output
"bundlePath": ""
Failed Output
"bundlePath": ""