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appflow live-update upload-artifact


This feature is only available to Enterprise customers with access to Self-hosted Live Updates.

[appflow, live-update, upload-artifact]

Bundle and upload a Live Update artifact in Appflow

appflow live-update upload-artifact [flags]


appflow live-update upload-artifact --app-id=12345 --build-dir=www --commit-sha=95f66b50279d54b1f0733e9188fd454768f3fd96 --signing-key=$IONIC_SIGNING_KEY --commit-ref=main [--commit-message=initial]


  • "upload"


--app-id [required]stringAppflow app id
--build-dir [required]stringWeb asset path (e.g. 'www')
--commit-ref [required]stringGit commit ref such as a branch or a tag
--commit-sha [required]stringGit commit SHA
--signing-key [required]stringPrivate signing key as a string or the path to a file containing the private signing key
--artifact-typestringThe type of the Live Update Artifact being uploaded ("zip" / "manifest"), defaults to "zip"
--commit-messagestringCommit message to be displayed in Appflow

Global Flags

-h, --helpbooleanfalsePrint help information for command
--configstringAppflow config file (.appflow.yaml by default)
--jsonbooleanfalseFor commands with output, shortcut to print as JSON
--outputstring"text"For commands with output, print as [json] or human readable [text]
--tokenstringIonic authorization token


appIdstringYour app's unique identifier in Appflow.
buildId (optional)numberA unique identifier for a build done in Appflow.
buildNumber (optional)numberAn app-specific build number for builds done in Appflow.
buildStatus"CREATED" | "PENDING" | "RUNNING" | "BUILDING" | "FAILED" | "SUCCESS" | "CANCELED"The current state of your build in Appflow.
platform"ANDROID" | "IOS" | "WEB"The ecosystem you are building for.
buildDirstringThe directory that contains the files from a completed build, for bundling.
commitShastringThe commit hash.
commitRefstringThe branch a commit was made on.
commitMessage (optional)stringThe message that was provided when a commit was made.
Successful Output
"appId": "052b32ac",
"buildId": 6010455,
"buildNumber": 25,
"buildStatus": "SUCCESS",
"platform": "WEB",
"buildDir": "./www/",
"commitSha": "cef1sdca",
"commitRef": "main",
"commitMessage": "feat: enable customer delight"
Failed Output
"appId": "052b32ac",
"buildId": null,
"buildStatus": "FAILED",
"platform": "WEB",
"buildDir": "./www/",
"commitSha": "cef1sdca",
"commitRef": "main",
"commitMessage": "feat: enable customer delight"