December 17, 2021
  • Announcements
  • community
  • Ionic

Announcing Ionic Forum FAQs

Anthony Giuliano

From Twitter to Slack to in person meetups, we get tons of questions everyday from developers using Ionic’s technologies. Over time, we’ve started to understand what questions are most commonly asked by Ionic users, both new and experienced. In an effort to help answer these questions, we’ve created a new “FAQ” tag in the Ionic forum! Posts tagged with “FAQ” are meant to help answer some of the most common questions we receive. You can filter for all FAQs by opening the “all tags” dropdown and selecting “FAQ”.

As we collect these frequently asked questions from the community, we will continue to post the questions and answers to the forum. If you have a question that you don’t see in the forum, feel free to ask it yourself! Odds are other developers have the same question. We have a really active community that is always eager to provide help. Ionic team members also frequent the forum, looking for questions that they can provide some assistance on. We’ve started our FAQ posts with some of the most common questions we get about Stencil, Ionic’s web components compiler.

While the forum is a great place to ask/discuss questions regarding Ionic’s technologies, there are other places to learn more about our technologies as well. We have a brand new Discord Server full of Ionic developers eager to learn and help others. In addition, our Twitter accounts (Ionic Framework, Stencil, and Capacitor) post frequent updates on releases, blog tutorials, and tips and tricks. And of course, we’ll continue to write about a variety of Ionic topics on the Ionic blog. We hope these resources can make your Ionic development experience easier and more enjoyable. Happy coding! 😊

Anthony Giuliano