Check out the new Ionic Academy
Since the early days of Ionic, we’ve wanted some kind of all-in-one learning platform for Ionic developers. We dabbled in this a bit with the now-defunct AppCamp project, but it always felt like videos and content were going to work better long term than a complicated interactive coding tool.
At Ionic, there are a lot of open source projects and communities we admire, and Laravel is near the top. What I love about Laravel is how practical the project is and how quickly they get a developer productive. One of the special things that Laravel has is a service called Laracasts, a self-guided web application learning center with high quality videos and content. Perhaps best of all, the project was started by a Laravel community member and is now a major part of the Laravel experience.
Today, I’m excited to see that the Ionic community has what I hope will become our “Laracasts”: the Ionic Academy. Started by community member Simon Reimler, the Ionic Academy is a self-guided learning center complete with quality videos, written content, and sample apps. Additionally, there’s a set of community features to help learners connect.
The Ionic Academy is not free, and that’s really important. For projects like the Ionic Academy to be successful and to continue to be a major resource for Ionic, they need to generate revenue. In fact, we’ve talked with Simon about setting pricing that will ensure he’ll be successful and able to dedicate as much time as possible to the project, while still making it accessible to Ionic community members.
For a very limited time, the Ionic Academy has special launch pricing of $19/mo or $171 for a year. If you’re interested, make sure to sign up today to take advantage of this pricing.
We’re looking forward to the Ionic Academy becoming a big part of how Ionic developers learn how to build Ionic apps, along with all the great community leaders producing quality Ionic content today. We hope to support everyone equally and if you have a great idea for helping Ionic developers learn, please get in touch!
Check out the Ionic Academy today.