Dreamforce Hackathon Powerups!
With the Dreamforce 2014 Hackathon right around the corner, we wanted to share some great resources from Ionic, Salesforce, and Heroku, to make sure you don’t waste any time getting to work building your great app and sharing in that wonderful $1M!
If you’re attending Dreamforce, please visit the Ionic booth in the DevZone. We’ll be debuting Creator and demonstrating new ways to build hybrid apps using Ionic. We look forward to seeing you!
Heroku Mobile App Template
The Heroku team put together a great starting template for building an app with Ionic, Angular, Cordova, and NodeJS on Heroku.
This is your best bet to get a great app up and running, complete with a backend and frontend. You can even add support for force.com.
Why Ionic?
We think Ionic is the best bet for Dreamforce participants to build their apps faster, with fewer headaches. Instead of having to configure and build two complicated native apps, you can build one cross-platform app with web technologies you already know.
By using Ionic you can get started building the parts of the app that are actually unique. That could be the difference between shipping a great app at the end of the hackathon or being stuck in the weeds!
Hope to see you there, and good luck!