Ionic Show: Ionic 4, Capacitor 1.0, Stencil One, Q&A, and more
It’s been just a hair over 500 days since the last Ionic Show.
That’s far too long. Today, we’re excited to be back with a vengeance: a movie-length Ionic Show episode covering all the latest Ionic news! 🎉
In this episode of the Ionic Show, Max and Ben bring on Josh Thomas and Matt Netkow to cover Ionic 4, Capacitor, Stencil One, and a community Q&A. Some of the highlights include…
- Ionic 4: How it came to be when creating Ionic 4 and how our bet on Web Components helped us make it the most performant Ionic yet.
- The power of CSS Variables and Shadow DOM (take our Color Generator tool for a spin to see what them in action).
- Stencil One is focused on stability, constructible stylesheets, incredibly small bundle sizes.
- Angular 8 Release: Congrats to the Angular team! Their “batteries included” approach is beloved by the Ionic team and our developer community.
- Why Upgrade Your Ionic Angular App to Ionic 4? For the most part, “it’s just Angular.” Check out our migration guide and newly added release notes page.
- Ionic React Status: When is 1.0 coming?
- Trolling Matt Kremer. This never gets old.
- Capacitor 1.0: It’s here! Background and history of this exciting new project.
- Who’s Building Apps with Capacitor Today? Community shout outs, including Volleyball Score, Sencrop, Groot News Radio, Sworkit, and Southwest Airlines.
- Community Q&A: Including tools that the Ionic team uses.
- Where do we see Ionic in 10 years?
Watch Now
Watch the recorded discussion video below. While lengthy, it’s a perfect listen for a long commute, a coding session, or even an after work jog. Guaranteed to be better than the series finale of Game of Thrones.
Or, listen to the podcast version: