June 2, 2017
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We are now “ionic-team” on GitHub!

Mike Hartington

Director of Developer Relation...

New org name on Github is ionic-team

In case you missed Max’s tweet the other day, on May 29th our official GitHub organization name is now ionic-team on Github! 🔥

Do you need to update anything?

Since GitHub adds redirects automatically, you shouldn’t need to do anything. If you do encounter a problem or just want to be certain your systems and code are current…

  • Update all your bookmarks
  • Update links to use “ionic-team” instead of “driftyco”
  • Update local repositories to point to the new org

This grep command is your good friend while locating links and references on *nix boxes grep -lir "github.com/driftyco" ./. Make sure to either change your pwd or modify the path option (last parameter), unless you just want to search your current pwd.

Need help? Hit us up on the Forum or Ionic Worldwide Slack.

Happy coding! 🌈

Mike Hartington

Director of Developer Relation...